
From natural to man-made, marine to inland, historic to cultural, Belize’s attractions take many forms. 

Together the unsurpassed combination of natural environments –the land, the sea, the climate – and the colourful history of over ten diverse cultures, infuse Belizeans with a national pride and a willingness to share.

The longest Barrier reef in the hemisphere, the most extensive cave system, the greatest percent of land mass in the region under protected area status, all in one tiny country?  How fortunate can one destination be? In the protection of our marine and terrestrial resources coupled with active environmental awareness programs, Belize’s vibrant tourism industry was unwittingly born.   

In the thick  of the jungle lay Maya temples with eye-catching shape.  Those excavated and restored are fascinating in their intricate stone carvings and ingenious architecture.  

Ancient civilizations blended with British influences, traditions of African origin, lifestyles of Mestizo society and the advent of more recent global immigrants offer up a salad of cultures

Be one with the beauty that is Belize and find yourself re-thinking the way life should be.

BelizeDangrigaCayoOrange WalkToledo

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